zippo collection
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zippo collection

forum non-officiel de collectionneurs de briquets à essence de marque zippo
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Pack Smartphone Samsung Galaxy A25 6,5″ 5G + ...
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241 €


 For english people...

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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 2412
Age : 50
Localisation : Dinant
Date d'inscription : 18/07/2005

For english people... Empty
MessageSujet: For english people...   For english people... EmptySam 19 Jan 2013 - 15:22


To make the forum more international than it is, it has been decided in consultation with the administrator and moderators the following.

The forum is primarily a French forum, all the members who are enrolled do not speak, or do not write, or do not read, or do not necessarily understand English.

Therefore, if people who do not speak, or do not write or do not read the French wish to register to share with us the passion ZIPPO, they can do so only in strict accordance with the following rule.

If you post on the forum in English, you should absolutely include in your message the French translation (so write your messages in both languages).
Free translation sites are readily available on the internet, and translations are precise enough to be understood by everyone.

It is the same for members of the Forum who write in English; they must accompany their responses with a French translation.

Clearly, that everyone understands, messages are accepted only in French and in English with a French translation.

Any message written only in English will be systematically deleted without notice.

This is done so that all members can easily follow the thread of a conversation while keeping our French forum dealing with the ZIPPO passion and its various themes collections.
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zippo collection :: Merci de lire ceci avant de poster s.v.p. / Thanks to read first please.-
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